Friday, March 12, 2010


The text below - an appeal to girls and women. Men, do not worry, be read with a smile!

... She walks past your office window every day and every day of her skirts and shorts are getting shorter, emphasizing the ideal shape of the buttocks! And you look after her sullen and recalls how the morning writhing snake ... or rather, neohvatnoy anaconda, trying to button his pants! You have heard that nutritionists and sports trainers insist - just 20 minutes a day 3-4 times a week is enough to make your buttocks look decent. "I do not believe it!" - Classically meet you, lounging in his chair and gobbling up another loaf of bread with butter.

But today in my head there was a click! You came home, undressed, turned to the mirror, excuse me, butt naked, and saw something! This podvisshee, eaten cellulite, immense - it can not be what is called the buttocks!

There can not agree, but - should be! First of all, decide to diet. Diet with a load on the buttocks is required, it is well known that the buttocks - the most "desirable" place for fat, and drive them out - hard work. Therefore need to be concerned about nutrition so as not to fill up existing fat "cushion". Protein diet - what the doctor ordered!

Powerful stimulus should be the realization that all the important women's bodies are just surrounded by the pelvic floor. Exercises designed to work gluteal muscles, effectively influence the ability of fertile women as well as in the systematic training improves metabolism, improves blood flow pelvic organs enriched with blood saturated with oxygen.

Following further set of simple exercises clearly show how and when work altVashi glutes, as well as promptly to help those who have "all the running!

1. Lateral growth of the trunk. (active high and gluteus medius)

Lie on your right side, leaning on the arm bent at the elbow, the second hold on the belt. Lift the body as high as possible, legs straight, toes pressed against the floor. Repeat 12-15 times. Turn on the other side, repeat.

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2. Diversion of the legs to the side. (active same muscles as in the first exercise, as well as thigh muscle and abdominal part)

Lying on your back, hands dilute the sides, raise your upper legs, stretching out his socks. Dropping the right foot to the side and on the floor, be careful not to tear his hands from the floor. The left leg and place it on the right. Repeat, starting with the left foot. Total 10/12 approach.

3. Recording of the buttocks from the floor. (active high and middle gluteal muscle, thigh muscle, the press and partly back)

Lying on your back, bend your knees, feet uperevshis into the floor. Based on the shoulders and arms, the maximum lift your buttocks from the floor. The back is straight. Feel the tension, then return to starting position. Repeat 8-10 times.

4. Circular rotation. (active same muscles as in the previous exercise)

Take the initial position, as in the first exercise. Right leg bent, left to straighten and lift at a right angle upward. Turn it around, increasing the amplitude. It is important not to move his feet, and the whole leg. Change the leg, repeat. Results 8-10 times on each leg.

5. This is a unique exercise! It is available to perform anywhere, anytime and in any quantity! Rhythmically strain and relax glutes. Everything!

And the last farewell before your upcoming metamorphosis! Take your time - years of accumulated fat does not come in one moment, and lowered the priest not be tightened in a week. Continue regular exercise, eat well, keep a healthy lifestyle, and the results will stun you! You love yourself and become more confident so that one day will pass, shaking his new luxurious buttocks, before that, in short shorts, and make her weep with envy! Believe in yourself!

Girls, be happy!

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