If you think that, preparing for a trip to Greece, will be able to learn something about this in advance, in general, well-studied country - keep hope. No doubt - you can read the historical background, recall the famous and the names of the great myths of the Greeks, to study the description of places and hotels, weather and markets, the type of hotel and architectural features. You can search reviews of tourists who came to Greece in the World Wide Web. And understand: well, actually, it is unclear how it all turns out. It seems all so easy and simple. But what sort of hidden under a layer of traditional tourist information. Yes, the famous cliche - a country where everything is (and no matter how banal once again - this is true). Yes, the sea and sun. Yes - the enthusiastic remarks about the blue sky, whitened on the background of the wonderful mountain homes on coastal groves and olive plantations, about what is real, Greek cuisine - all this will be enough. But! None of the written "reports" about the journey, whether it is done pro pen or ordinary tourist, not a hundred percent a picture of reality. Subjective and unprovable? I'll try.
From Athens to Thessaloniki
My half-childish impressions of the Aegean Sea (on the beach at Athens) - dark blue, almost black color and so much salt, it seems: a small sip of water - and burn your throat. But, seeing the coast of northern Greece in the area of Thessaloniki, was surprised to realize - the same sea, all the same Aegean Sea, but it is not black! It is blue - from the airplane, turquoise - from the balcony of the hotel, a blue light during a storm and almost translucent greenish-shore in complete calm. And the taste ... salt, sea yet, but it is not bitter.
In Thessaloniki, in contrast to the overcrowded capital, and references to the Hellenistic period in Athens, with all due reverence to the ancient culture of Greece, suddenly forgetting about a thousand year history of the country, and understand that we are somehow part of the city. (Once upon a time, being entirely Greek, and the city had a Slavic name - Solon. In the history of the city is heavy date-impregnable Solon lost to Turkish invaders, as the Greeks themselves, for obvious reasons, do not like to remember, but in the end anyway, and regained the primordial name, and the present owners - the Greeks. By the way, in Thessaloniki, in fact, not a single building, reminding us of the terrible times of alien expansion. The bulk of the mosque was razed to the ground. And now in the city you can literally count on one hand. )
Do you feel this is a direct relationship probably because the main spiritual and historic sights - the Basilica of St. Demetrius (in Russian Church of St. Demetrius of Thessalonica), the beginning of construction and the surviving part of it is, terrible to say, the 5-mu (!) Age our era, a really special place. Revered in many Orthodox countries, particularly revere the holy Russian people, and even with the early Christian times. Executed for his faith, and have never taken part in the hostilities, St. Demetrius, however, is revered as a defender of the Fatherland, the assistant in military affairs, and of course, as a jealous faith.
But, even without being very much a fervent Christian, in this house wants to go again. Explanations that I have not. But, once again, in Thessaloniki, to understand - get out of town and did not go to the basilica - is impossible. As if drawn there by invisible ties. This is truly sacred, namolennoe place. Surprisingly, but once there the first time, really something you feel. Left, you start to miss this house and want to necessarily go back.
Mysterious Halkidiki
I call something what it is. Hal-ki-di-ki.
It's like a pebble pebbles, or a lollipop in your mouth rolls. Like a creep away back into the sea wave, liznuv edging the shore, hisses, leaving a wet trail on the sandy beach.
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Halki-and-and-and-wild. It is fascinating ...
Similar to the trident of Poseidon, with whom the ancient Greeks associated the peninsula, was definitely the place where he himself ruler of the seas do his business. Nevertheless, the ruler of the elements is clearly fond of his distant from the center of the country and still remaining secluded piece of land.
North Greece - a fairly new territory mined by the Russian traveler. Certainly, in recent years, our tourists are actively visiting the local hotels. But so far, thank God, nor from any of them does not sound a report: "where, at any of the three" fingers "of the peninsula to go to those who are going here first. And the first "finger" (Peninsula Kassandra), and the second (Peninsula Sithonia) is as large hotels, for example, POTIDEA PALACE HOTEL 4 *, and small boarding houses, stopping where it would be possible to bite off a large pie from the Greek bit. (Should I remind you that the food in Greece, rather, one of the most important moments of life than simply getting rid of hunger?) So with the hotel. Choose one - and, most likely, without additional portions will not stay. But it will be so delicious that want to have to repeat the very next day. Why compare? Want to "high", but nevertheless the Greek cuisine? Stay on EAGLES PALACE hotel 5 *. Here it is. And the restaurant, whose chef - the owner of Stars restaurant guide Michelin, there is in the hotel SPA-center will be right complement. Although it is already almost a third "finger" on the peninsula of Mount Athos.
Inaccessible to the Holy Land Greece
Everyone, even those who at least knows something something about Mount Athos (? Γιον? Ρος), nevertheless, always, always - and I stress this - find themselves close to Mount Athos, wondering how the first time: "What ? Women were not allowed there? "
It's true. This, on the one hand, pity, on the other hand, if we think, brings a fantastic message, even aware of it frightening. Never a woman could not cross the boundary of the monastic state. Living by its own laws from 972 years the Orthodox community is so strong in the restrictions, which causes (after the envy of women to men in a position to be in an area where co-exist in the immediate ecclesiastical jurisdiction of the Patriarch of Constantinople in 1312, 20 monasteries) - an immense respect. And in part, (at least for me) the primitive fear of the supreme powers. The work, obedience, prayer, again, work, meals, and again prayer. Realize that both can live forever - no success. Especially when there - the sea (where the monks are not allowed to swim), aspiring to the sky and the mountains of strict monastic walls, many of whom are not even visible to the curious tourists, looking to the banks of the monastic state with the board pleasure boats.
If you get - have to go to Mount Athos. Absolutely. (Do not forget that we must obtain a special permit - "diamonitirion"). The main thing in this - not only to be places where no work of modern feminist things. The most important thing - a chance to touch not changing nearly a thousand years postulates. There are so few in the modern world.
Taste and smell.
My "first" Greece smelled of popcorn from the Athenian cinemas and taverns with fresh fish from the New Delphi and Marathon. "Second" - a thick meat soup (which was very handy after a walk through the mountains to warm up soon) and was felt for a long time on the lips of sweet mastic - home liquor is served at the end of the meal. The most "extreme" - the taste of a huge lobster on the grill and incredibly large shrimp, which had to be watered with lemon juice, gently squeezing the half-yellow fruit in the palm of your hand. Smell and taste will never be repeated. The country was itself and if the new time.
Coming to Greece? Forget everything opinions, recommendations and advice. This is very easy, but easy country, with incredible, but like all well-known history, centuries-old traditions and conventions, tending not only the depth of the world, the birth of his.
Modern Hellas, now located on the periphery of Europe, so correctly and comfortably situated once hand of the creator, - will show only that the visitor will need and it is important at any given time. Without effort, but only playing with a stranger who visited her, as if one of the goddesses of ancient Olympia with the man.
But the most surprising thing that's what. Every time they find themselves in Greece, at the same time know and not know what he saw and felt before. How so? I do not know. To understand, I am not available, we should just be there. And try to understand what is the magic hidden in this small patch of land, washed by the seas, and loved the most happy, and who can feel the celebration of life by the gods.
Thursday, March 18, 2010
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The text below - an appeal to girls and women. Men, do not worry, be read with a smile!
... She walks past your office window every day and every day of her skirts and shorts are getting shorter, emphasizing the ideal shape of the buttocks! And you look after her sullen and recalls how the morning writhing snake ... or rather, neohvatnoy anaconda, trying to button his pants! You have heard that nutritionists and sports trainers insist - just 20 minutes a day 3-4 times a week is enough to make your buttocks look decent. "I do not believe it!" - Classically meet you, lounging in his chair and gobbling up another loaf of bread with butter.
But today in my head there was a click! You came home, undressed, turned to the mirror, excuse me, butt naked, and saw something! This podvisshee, eaten cellulite, immense - it can not be what is called the buttocks!
There can not agree, but - should be! First of all, decide to diet. Diet with a load on the buttocks is required, it is well known that the buttocks - the most "desirable" place for fat, and drive them out - hard work. Therefore need to be concerned about nutrition so as not to fill up existing fat "cushion". Protein diet - what the doctor ordered!
Powerful stimulus should be the realization that all the important women's bodies are just surrounded by the pelvic floor. Exercises designed to work gluteal muscles, effectively influence the ability of fertile women as well as in the systematic training improves metabolism, improves blood flow pelvic organs enriched with blood saturated with oxygen.
Following further set of simple exercises clearly show how and when work altVashi glutes, as well as promptly to help those who have "all the running!
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3. Recording of the buttocks from the floor. (active high and middle gluteal muscle, thigh muscle, the press and partly back)
Lying on your back, bend your knees, feet uperevshis into the floor. Based on the shoulders and arms, the maximum lift your buttocks from the floor. The back is straight. Feel the tension, then return to starting position. Repeat 8-10 times.
4. Circular rotation. (active same muscles as in the previous exercise)
Take the initial position, as in the first exercise. Right leg bent, left to straighten and lift at a right angle upward. Turn it around, increasing the amplitude. It is important not to move his feet, and the whole leg. Change the leg, repeat. Results 8-10 times on each leg.
5. This is a unique exercise! It is available to perform anywhere, anytime and in any quantity! Rhythmically strain and relax glutes. Everything!
And the last farewell before your upcoming metamorphosis! Take your time - years of accumulated fat does not come in one moment, and lowered the priest not be tightened in a week. Continue regular exercise, eat well, keep a healthy lifestyle, and the results will stun you! You love yourself and become more confident so that one day will pass, shaking his new luxurious buttocks, before that, in short shorts, and make her weep with envy! Believe in yourself!
Girls, be happy!
... She walks past your office window every day and every day of her skirts and shorts are getting shorter, emphasizing the ideal shape of the buttocks! And you look after her sullen and recalls how the morning writhing snake ... or rather, neohvatnoy anaconda, trying to button his pants! You have heard that nutritionists and sports trainers insist - just 20 minutes a day 3-4 times a week is enough to make your buttocks look decent. "I do not believe it!" - Classically meet you, lounging in his chair and gobbling up another loaf of bread with butter.
But today in my head there was a click! You came home, undressed, turned to the mirror, excuse me, butt naked, and saw something! This podvisshee, eaten cellulite, immense - it can not be what is called the buttocks!
There can not agree, but - should be! First of all, decide to diet. Diet with a load on the buttocks is required, it is well known that the buttocks - the most "desirable" place for fat, and drive them out - hard work. Therefore need to be concerned about nutrition so as not to fill up existing fat "cushion". Protein diet - what the doctor ordered!
Powerful stimulus should be the realization that all the important women's bodies are just surrounded by the pelvic floor. Exercises designed to work gluteal muscles, effectively influence the ability of fertile women as well as in the systematic training improves metabolism, improves blood flow pelvic organs enriched with blood saturated with oxygen.
Following further set of simple exercises clearly show how and when work altVashi glutes, as well as promptly to help those who have "all the running!
1. Lateral growth of the trunk. (active high and gluteus medius)
Lie on your right side, leaning on the arm bent at the elbow, the second hold on the belt. Lift the body as high as possible, legs straight, toes pressed against the floor. Repeat 12-15 times. Turn on the other side, repeat.
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3. Recording of the buttocks from the floor. (active high and middle gluteal muscle, thigh muscle, the press and partly back)
Lying on your back, bend your knees, feet uperevshis into the floor. Based on the shoulders and arms, the maximum lift your buttocks from the floor. The back is straight. Feel the tension, then return to starting position. Repeat 8-10 times.
4. Circular rotation. (active same muscles as in the previous exercise)
Take the initial position, as in the first exercise. Right leg bent, left to straighten and lift at a right angle upward. Turn it around, increasing the amplitude. It is important not to move his feet, and the whole leg. Change the leg, repeat. Results 8-10 times on each leg.
5. This is a unique exercise! It is available to perform anywhere, anytime and in any quantity! Rhythmically strain and relax glutes. Everything!
And the last farewell before your upcoming metamorphosis! Take your time - years of accumulated fat does not come in one moment, and lowered the priest not be tightened in a week. Continue regular exercise, eat well, keep a healthy lifestyle, and the results will stun you! You love yourself and become more confident so that one day will pass, shaking his new luxurious buttocks, before that, in short shorts, and make her weep with envy! Believe in yourself!
Girls, be happy!
Thursday, March 11, 2010
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Over the past 15 years have taught us to believe that the ideal woman - is a kind of cyborg. Superwoman, combining self-reliance and financial independence, femininity and grooming, excellent cooking skills and some original hobby, continuing self-development, as well as free time for family, love, rest ... So how to combine it all in one person is able units, the rest prove the status of the ideal modern woman has, choosing as the main one way: career or home.
And until recently it was fashionable to choose a career path. We fought so that we no longer perceived as cooks and cleaners in their own house in order in the advertising of detergent or dishwashing detergent have played a major role not only women but men are at least sometimes. Well-known, independent, strong-willed, beautiful, bright ideal woman overcame us with a slight condescension with glossy pages and one of their way of life dictate that hard uncompromising style.
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And until recently it was fashionable to choose a career path. We fought so that we no longer perceived as cooks and cleaners in their own house in order in the advertising of detergent or dishwashing detergent have played a major role not only women but men are at least sometimes. Well-known, independent, strong-willed, beautiful, bright ideal woman overcame us with a slight condescension with glossy pages and one of their way of life dictate that hard uncompromising style.
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This does not mean that we should once again rebuilt and all the clutch at ladles. Just let us allow ourselves to be fair to him ... and we will do what we like - regardless of fashion and owes nothing to prove
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