Sunday, November 22, 2009

Morning sex: Pros and Cons

According to The New Scientist, British scientists have once again found something. Namely: sexologists from Queen's University Belfast have shown that morning sex - the best medicine of the free. First, it is estimated that he was successfully able to replace the morning exercises, because in the process of strengthening muscles of the arms, chest, pelvis and buttocks, improves circulation, and practicing breathing. Secondly - there is a clear preventive effect: reduced risk of cardiovascular disease, morning sex helps combat arthritis and migraine, burns at least 300 calories, and it reduces the risk of diabetes.

Researchers from Belfast is echoed by scientists from the University of Paisley in Scotland (University of Paisley). They were also concerned about the behavioral characteristics of people practicing the morning sex. It turns out that such people during the day behaved calmly and focused than their colleagues. Those who had sex before the start of the experiment, were less prone to stress, and their blood pressure after the test quickly came back to normal.

In short, the verdict of the researchers is as follows: sex in the morning three times a week - and then the harmony and tranquility, coupled with the prevention of diseases bouquet guaranteed. However, not all useful, we want to immediately apply in practice. Morning sex - piece ambiguous.
People say

It is believed that the cause of love Morning sex is prosaic: it explains the maximum concentration of testosterone in the blood of men from 7 to 8 am. In women, the same peak of sexual activity in the evening. True, there is a reservation. Daily hormonal fluctuations in women is not as strong as men. In addition to age differences between evening and morning hormonal activity in both sexes is gradually disappearing.

Voting for:

Sex - the best charge. Given the choice between sex and the charging of the morning, most lean toward the former.

On the morning of more forces. Evening to have sex there is neither the strength nor the mood - just tired after a working day.

Vivacity all day. Still endorphins derived from sex classes as long as no one has repealed.

Voting against:

There are many arguments against the early morning sex.

Coffee is better sex. British television UKTV one of its large-scale surveys devoted preferences upon awakening. As it turned out, only every hundredth of a woman would be satisfied if the morning will begin with caresses. Most women prefer to start the day with coffee, with half of them, not after drinking a refreshing drink, generally refuses to look at partner. With men the situation is not much better. During a morning sex - only 5%, which is negligible compared with those who are interested only in the morning with tea or coffee.

Unhygienic and unsightly. In surveys conducted in the forums, a considerable part of protests against the morning sex is reduced to the fact that people do not want to do it with a sleepy face, throwing partner bad breath. Proponents of the morning sex is not very convincing answer, that person is not sleepy, and are in their most natural state. And in the morning to face the same thing and the soul. You can see the face of the man she loved and understood everything.

No sex in haste. Another argument against the early morning sex is that the time before going to work is limited - and it is impossible to make love, looking at his watch. And force myself to unstick my eyes early morning for the sake of "bonus" may be only a very strong-willed nature.

Did not feel sleepy. An argument with a woman's face. But some men, it does not stop. For example, Vladimir Muranivsky, author of the methodology on the development of "intimate muscle" in his book writes: "If you wake up early in the morning with an erection, gently Visit the spouse does not wake her, a little stir and cover."

Muranivsky followers should take note that such "visits" may be perceived by some women as violence. Here's an eloquent statement from one of the forums: "With ex-husband, if he tried to molest the morning, versed just so - with a flourish and in the nose. In an attempt to fuck a sleeping unconscious body said that the next time file a statement of the rape.
Say sexologists

And yet: recommendations of researchers - well, the personal preferences of voters - too funny. But what they think about the benefits of morning sex doctors, sexologists?

According to Eugene Kul'gavchuk, sexologist and therapist:

"I often pay attention to biorhythms in pair: sometimes the discrepancy in time can play a significant negative role in sexual relationships. If both partners in a pair of "larks" - for them the morning may be even preferable to the traditional evening. But if the time "taste" in a pair are different, it can become disharmonious factor.

Among the pluses of the morning sex - positive memories for the whole day. The joys of early sex can not afford those whose working day begins in the second half of the day, because after close to be together. Otherwise, it comes down to a certain physiological processes, as using the toilet or brushing your teeth. Outs of sex after waking can not only be "sluggish" start, but the difficulty with hygiene: mouth odor can permanently alienating a partner.

Why do not you want sex?

Several years ago, scientists proved that the sexual appetites of men laid in their genes. Someone inherited from ancestors goes high libido - they want every day, someone wish to visit once a week, and others, in general, asexual - content with a platonic love.

Depending on various circumstances of libido may slightly vary: so, for example, on vacation want sex more than when you work on the wear, but in general - is a constant. If it suddenly decreases significantly - there is reason to think about health. To start on the physical.
Play, hormone!

Sexual desire - it is the libido - is directly linked to the hormonal level, or more precisely with the male sex hormones, or more precisely with testosterone. Most of it is produced in the testes under the control of the central nervous system. If a lot of testosterone, a sexual appetite for men above the average. It is believed that the distinctive features of such a macho man: stocky build, short temper, which appeared early in the bald spot and increased hairiness in those places where it is not always desirable - in the face, chest, back and buttocks. Most often, the way it is. At least, sexually preoccupied Southerners are much more sexually concerned northerners.

With age, the amount of testosterone in the blood is gradually reduced (by about 1-2% per year), however, sixty years before this process goes unnoticed. Accelerate its quite difficult (after all a man's body in terms of hormones fairly balanced system), but if you really try, you can. If, say, a sharp recover twenty pounds, long and hard to abuse alcohol, to receive blows between his legs, located next to the open-source radiation, or take hormonal drugs that reduce testosterone levels in the blood. Incidentally, the last way the British justice is going to be used against rapists. You can not control their sexual impulses - will make. With the help of "drugs from lust.

Another factor influencing the male libido, identified in 2007, American scientists led by Professor Peter Gray. They examined about two hundred cattle in North Kenya - measured at each level of testosterone. As a result, it became clear that the more a man of legitimate wives, the less he hormone. Well, and, accordingly, the most brutal were bachelors. What was the reason that the investigation - the science is still unknown.

Until now it was only about men. However, among women the situation is fundamentally no different - for the libido meets the same testosterone. What it more, the more thoughts about sex. Although seemingly male hormone, and is produced in the ovaries ...

Female hormones are not as stable as male. Then play a role and menstrual cycle and pregnancy to childbirth, and menopause. So in the physiological reasons for the decline of libido without a gynecologist with the endocrinologist can not tell. But if the testosterone levels in women fell on level ground, under suspicion in the first place to get oral contraceptives.

In 2005, the world was shocked discovery of scientists from Boston University. They proved that prolonged use of contraceptive pills leads to the fact that in the blood of women begins to produce substances which neutralize testosterone. Those who regularly is protected using oral contraceptives, the number of male hormone in the blood is almost four times lower than those who prefer other methods. And most worryingly, even the complete abandonment of tablets libido does not return to its original level.

If it was limited only by hormones, it would be simple. Check the level of testosterone, adjusted pills - now is not the problem, and the trick. However, the libido is more sophisticated. It is not enough blood had a certain amount of testosterone to another, to the brain to react to it appropriately. And how would respond to the human brain, is in chronic stress, or, God forbid, a prolonged depression? Not. Still, the instinct for survival is stronger sex.

Remember how Ivanushka-durochok Baba Yaga came in: "You're my first Napoi-feed, in the sauna bathing and then on to ask". Not satisfied with the requirements of the life-support, libido is silent. That is why temporarily discourage can: insomnia, diet, disease and even banal weariness. Both physical and mental.

By the way, when diseases can decrease libido, not only because of poor health, sometimes to blame drugs. And not necessarily hormone. Reduce the need for sex may: antipsychotics, tranquilizers, diuretics, and funds from hypertension and diabetes and others. So if the doctor prescribed pills - carefully read the instructions. Perhaps the lack of desire - only their side-effects.
Family circumstances

If, however, and health is all right, and the level of testosterone in the normal range, and sex still does not want to, it makes sense to think about lofty matters. For example, that the desire proximity to a large extent depends on the attitude toward sex and relationships with a partner.

The situation was commented on the doctor-sexologist, therapist, psychiatrist Kul'gavchuk Yevgeny:

"The most common psychological causes for the decline of libido: addictive and comparison.


First love with the vivid experiences lasts from six months to three years. This time, mutual hyper appeal from a biological point of view is given by nature for the begetting offspring. Then comes naturally cooled.


The fall of morality, the race for consumption by the most direct and adverse impact on the ongoing relationship. Partners begin to compare to each other with external partners, and do not realize is that if the comparison is on a scale of novelty, every person has the following night will play a new candidate. At the end of this road - loneliness. And regular decrease in libido in this way. "
Where to run?

In fact, a doctor. To start an endocrinologist - this also applies to men and women. If the hormones all right, the next specialist, which should apply - the doctor-sexologist: libido - his patrimony.
What can be done to restore sexual desire itself? Doctor-sexologist, therapist, psychiatrist Kul'gavchuk Yevgeny recommends: "The sexual potential - an indicator of health in general, both mental and physical, so we must bear in mind that instantly solve the problem fail. For good results is required phasing. First of all, the correct way of life, good working conditions and rest, adequate sleep, moderate and regular exercise. Every day, the time to "private life", and one day of the week assign "your day", do not forget about the regular visits and mutual surprises. It is important to understand that the draft "quality and brilliant sexual life" requires time and effort. But this is one of the most interesting, important and useful projects in your life. "

Seven non-obvious reasons for sex

Previously, everything was simple. Decent women had sex with their husbands on duty. It was called: "conjugal duty". To carry out its supposed to mournfully pursed lips, as do any other necessary and even socially important, but very unpleasant business, for example, pay taxes.

Women are not very honest at times dared to do it for love, calling for a barrage of hatred on the part of respectable fear for the moral strength of his pious foundations, as well as from those of men who could not imagine myself in the role of objects of love.

Finally, there were women who had sex for money. Their existence in polite society was not supposed to mention. However, they suffered, because a prostitute for the family hearth is less dangerous than a mistress.

Then the Victorian notions of decency had been shaken, and it turned out that the motives that govern us when we receive the horizontal (or some suitable for amorous pleasures) the situation is very, very diverse. So diverse that we do not always even aware of: why, actually, we drifted into bed? And keep this in mind it would be useful - and not just to satisfy the craving for knowledge of the world, but in order to avoid breaking anything during the affair and after it.

Not a complete list of non-obvious, but quite common motives for sex looks like.
Motif 1. Lust

Men and cats

Owners of non-castrated cats is well known that pheromones are not always fragrant with roses and jasmine. On the other hand, pheromones are not "obliged" to stink just unbearable, like a cat tag. Very often we are not even aware that chuem smell of human rights and respond to him, he is so weak that he did not "penetrate" the sphere of consciousness, but still perfectly copes with its task.

People with increased activity of the glands that produce pheromones, can not drown out the smell or shower twice a day, or deodorants and perfumes. So in a humorous proverb according to which man should be "angry, smelly and hairy" there is some truth - at least for part of the "stinking".

Pheromones - chemical external secretion, providing communication between the individuals of one species, primarily through scent. Pheromones are different. The most famous of them - sexual attractants: male and female find out whether they are suited to each other for mating, it is by smell.

There are pheromones in fact, or is another invention of cheap fame hungry researchers and avid for sensation newspaperman?

Scientists have proven that they exist, and they, like, someone even saw under the microscope. I, at least, believe in them - because how else to explain a sudden fit of lust flared up to a totally uninteresting in all other respects, but what happens, and unpleasant person? Yes, moreover, such a force fit, as in the hot stuff - as much reduces the cheekbones.

If you do not pheromones are cute, and you prefer metaphysics to explain the condition, as you like: aura, omens ... yes, even hypnosis! The fact is: sometimes it happens that the man is a strong desire to immediately have sex with him - and nothing more. Do not need no sweets, no bouquets, or under the crown, or a joint mortgage.

What to do?

If the version with pheromones taken for working, and if for some reason, the proximity to this man for you is not desirable - just otsyadte away from him. Or even better - in general, avoid personal meetings. Obsesion as arm lift. If adventure is not precluded - why not? Sex is almost certain to be wonderfully good, even if "objectively" the object of desire rather mediocre lover.
Motive 2. Vanity

Women tend to a successful and famous people like moths to light. Sometimes - with the same disappointing result, but most of all the ends tickling vanity little adventure. Nice to show off in front of her friends, casually mentioning that such a preferred scrambled eggs for breakfast, and that snores in his sleep.

Another good to know how many rivals managed to avoid in the struggle for access to the body of a celebrity. However, it can turn and embarrassment. Imagine this: social events, you come to the "star" who once visit your bed (in anticipation as you are with him gently rastseluetes, and how all of your companions will envy you) - but he simply did not know you: little Does Brazil these don Pedro ...

What to do?

Path to the heart of the famous never lies in bed, there he is too crowded to distinguish one from another fan. So if your heart suddenly interested in - look for bypass roads. Well, to replenish their dong-zhuansky list of recognizable names, just to brag about them from time to time, there is no great sin. But please, never and do not tell anybody about their lovers filth. This applies not only to celebrities.
Motive 3. Athletic interest

Oh, he is reputed to be impregnable? Come on, Come on, let's see, what is this inaccessibility. And you begin a systematic long siege. Make eyes, as if by accident, stumbles when he walks by, shtudiruete sites of Speleology, which he dedicates every vacation, to support in the event of an interesting conversation to his theme ... In general, I do not teach you. And not that he too was you need, just want to once again confirm the power of his love spell.

What to do?

First: are you sure that you really want that to happen, when and if he succumb? If not - maybe it's better for me is sitting in their caves? Secondly, please remember: husbands girlfriends - absolutely the wrong site for your sporting interest.
Motive 4. Collecting

The desire to sleep with a nigger with a disability, with old or very young boys with a gay man, the priest, with a yogi or a bodybuilder is like the desire to scratch "Vasya was here" on every little bit a suitable surface. This is understandable and not something that is reprehensible, but sometimes ... once slovenly.

What to do?

Exotic lover may well itself be a stimulating factor, and then - no problem. But if you suffer an unpleasant person in the bed only in the name of a strange idea that in this life have to try it ... let me, who do you want? You? Why?
Motive 5. Pity

In fact, pity can be different. Pity for the man in distress, the experiencer is not very rosy period in the life - one. Pity for the man miserable and pointless - quite another. That's me to the fact that sleep out of pity can be very different. You can support the fallen spirit of man, to help him regain interest in life and strength to cope with the trouble - and you can humiliate and trample. The man, whose pity, weak and totally in your hands. Incidentally, some of this then do not forgive.

What to do?

You are not Mother Teresa. You are not obliged to give shelter to the soft breasts of anyone who lives cracked. On the other hand, they say, from good deeds karma improves. Unless, of course, you'll have to do this is with kindness.
Motive 6. Hate

What is common between ethology (the science of the instinctive behavior of animals), Freud and the movie "Basic Instinct"? Right: the inextricable relationship of libido and thanatos, sexuality and aggression. And no wonder, not only in the fact that love, alas, often degenerates into hatred, but, conversely, anger, rage and revenge can suddenly turn into a powerful sexual flash.

What to do?

If you are not sure that will prevail in a bed fight, better refrain from such a radical way of explanation of the relationship - otherwise, then you will feel raped. And, of course, you should not marry him only to poison his whole life.
Motif 7. Indifference

"I do not mind, but he was pleased", "easier to give than to explain why you do not want," with a friend of the opposite sex better have sex once or twice, then to not be ashamed of each other in the details. Familiar, does not it?

What to do?

Sex - is an area in which Newton's third law (force is equal and opposite action) operates smoothly: that investing is what you get. If you are lazy and graciously allowed to have sex with him, and all your participation lay in the fact that not resist - a claim to the quality of sex (as it will be pale and miserable) Supplies are not cavalier, and herself.


Concluding a short overview of the motives which prompt us to make love, go back to the very beginning: that there is a debt, money and love? It is very simple. Sex on duty in this enlightened age, fortunately, no longer exists, and forced sex is rape and is punishable by a long spell in gaol. Greed entirely left to your conscience. And love ... About love to write poetry, but not helpful advice, especially when outside such a wonderful, wild spring ...