Be polite and pleasant enough highly valued in society. Knowing this, parents are at a loss when faced with the reluctance of children to greet and say goodbye.
Parents feel uncomfortable, and sometimes the shame and guilt that their darling child does not want to say "Hello" or "Goodbye!".
Such a defect in the education of caring moms and dads trying to quickly fix.
Child - it is always joy, but at the same time responsible for its emergence. And when the question arises - "How to educate?" - The first that comes to our mind - it is our childhood, our parents and how they behaved with us. This is normal because the other we just can not know.
With children, we relive her childhood on an emotional level. Just look at all have not as a child and as an adult. Our childhood can emerge in the memory and unconsciously we constantly compare themselves with their baby, so they themselves behaved in childhood and how to react to it, our parents. Do not hesitate to copy the tactics of recent educational.
But time brings new life! Experts noticed that educational approaches for children have changed greatly. Authoritarianism and groundless pretensions is difficult today to reach out to children.
To love and raise a child - is an art. And as every art that must be learned. The most important rule: it is important to remember that the child - a small person who wants to, and sometimes requires that she was treated politely.
You can often hear the tone ordering of parents say son or daughter to "Say hullo!", "Sorry!"
A small child often can not understand what was wanted of him, he may be busy playing, or my thoughts, and my mother's anger and frustration can not touch it. It is quite possible that at the moment the baby does not want to say hello to this particular adult, or just laziness or mood is not so, keep your mouth open and him to this his personal causes. He's the same person! This does not mean that he is not educated.
Of course, teaching a child to greet the adults need. Forcing him to do it - not worth it. To address this issue it is recommended to approach quietly and patiently.
The first lessons of the foundations of etiquette kid gets home. If the family characteristic of adherence to the rules of decency, honesty in relationships, then nothing to worry about. For such parents is not a question "And how to teach wee greet?"
Rules of politeness for the sake of the rules are not in the child form a sensitivity and openness, love for people. Lessons of politeness norms should continue to grow in the internal moral principles. Make this force does not turn out. Therefore, the "Training" good manners, more harm than help grow the friendly adult.
Foreign politeness is not always a sign of sincerity. The words "Hello," "Good morning!", "Goodbye!" Have meaning, and not only accepted form of treatment.
Young children are sensitive to the falsehood and hypocrisy. "Good morning" to them - it is really, joy, smile and kindness. If the morning my mother's bad mood is very difficult to believe the little boy or girl, that morning is good.
Parents it is important to consider that for them is more important: to bring up sensitive, responsive person or impeccably polite and responsible, always and in all social standards. Sensitive people can not be rude. Teaching manners, it is important to remember that a child develops their feelings and emotional sphere. He should understand that saying "Good morning!" He wants a good man.
Forcing and forcing children to wish "Good morning" or "Good evening", parents can unwittingly damage the natural development of emotions in toddlers. As a consequence, some feelings can dampen forever. If the motivation of parents to teach children how to greet is to look good in front of people, there is a risk that the child learn to hide their true feelings from others, and then from people close to him. Therefore, all the usual methods of education - from persuasion to punishment - are unsuitable for the development of the ability to feel and love people.
There are several reasons why children may refuse the words of welcome.
1.Rebenok not understand why should greet, if he does not want to. What is required is patience and endurance. It is important to explain to a child why you should say hello. To explain simply, without instruction, a friendly and accessible language.
2.Rebenok could be a witness to the conversation, where the parents commented disparagingly about other people, with whom he has often encountered. Criticizing and discussing someone in the evening and a friendly greeting with him in the morning, parents forced the child to be at a loss: what is right and good and what is not. It is important that the child felt the unity of the parents that was expected of him, did not receive double behavior.
3. The child simply does not want to say hello at the moment. It is worth to take mothers and fathers, to deal with personal feelings about the public opinion, not to press on the little man, and let him develop at their own pace. It's more important than public opinion? A child older than three years may be a couple of times gently to explain why it is important to greet, and then calmly remind him, if there is a need for this. Perhaps the results appear not as fast as we would like, but the child will remain healthy psyche. For children 5-7 years old parents - the most important people in the world, and thus parenting words become a guide to action.
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