It would seem that the problem of maintaining fitness least should cover children. But, unfortunately, so it is not always.
The number of obese children in developed countries is constantly growing. By some estimates, physical activity almost 30% of boys and 40% of girls from 2 to 15 years, considerably less than what the doctors recommend. If this trend continues, by 2010, obesity will suffer 22% of girls and 19% of boys.
Children are showing less interest in mobile games and other types of physical activity, and find many excuses for this. Of course, when thinking about practice is not necessarily jumping for joy. But no one is born a completely non-sports: how would bumpkin did not seem to a child, there is always a sport that will have him in mind.
* "It's not cool!" Try to tell your child about David Beckham. Clearly, not all of them reach the top, but, while working out, everyone can benefit and pleasure. It is believed that the sport - it is not "cool", typically those who can not catch the departing bus, even if that would affect their lives.
* "None of my friends and relatives not involved in sports. Well, that and become a pioneer! Maybe your example will inspire others. If your friends or family makes fun of sports guys, perhaps they just envy.
* "This is a lesson for the boys." It is true that the boys involved in sports more than girls, but it is not because the girls - useless athletes. Just very often they do not like what have to deal with physical education classes. But there are many classes and in addition to the school - such as dancing or martial arts.
* "It's hard / tiring / sweating. If, after the sport something and get sick, then a short time, but fatigue is quite natural, just a little work. Sweating in training, in fact, necessary, but if they like, you can not see that sweat. Moreover, all the rest too sweaty.
* "I do not need muscles. Good shape does not necessarily imply inflated muscles and fitness is not synonymous with bodybuilding. But Also, a relief to have the muscles, you need to do special exercises.
* "I am full / thin / sick. No need to worry about how you look, just come to class and have fun. If you really obese, and not any extra 5-7 kg, talk with your doctor, tell him, than planning to deal with. And if you're sick, you'll still need to move - to maintain good physical shape is useful to everyone.
* "I do not like to play in the team." Excellent. If you do not like team sports, choose something you can do one or the other.
* "My favorite computer games / TV / hang out with friends." Who said that we must choose between one or the other? Do both!
When a person ceases to worry, that will look silly, or sweat, he begins to realize benefits of the active lifestyle.
In addition to health - and it is useful at any age - you can still spend time with old friends or make new, disconnect from the stress of learning; a taste of this victory and who knows may be found in their abilities, about which even not suspected.
Sport in school
Some adolescents are particularly experienced at the sports lessons at school. If this is about your child, advise him to solve their problems in the following ways.
* Talk softly to the teacher and explain what is bothering you. Teachers to exist, to teach to do things on that, as you thought you were incapable. But if something for you is really too difficult, so straight and tell the teacher.
* If a sport or exercise you absolutely do not like, ask whether it is possible to do something else. Suggest options to make it clear that you can not simply shirk.
* If you're worried about your appearance, this too can talk. Learn from a teacher, can I wear long bloomers or free T-shirt, if you are worried because of their weight. If the problem with monthly, talk to the teacher (or teacher if fizruk man). Sometimes sports help to reduce discomfort during menstruation. If the pain is really strong, asked permission to sit at this time.
How much should you do?
Children and teenagers doctors recommend physical activity at least an hour a day.
Classes must be at least moderate intensity, in other words, you need a little sweat and breath. If the child is in a position to do something that requires great effort, it is even better.
At least twice a week to do strength exercises for strengthening bones, muscles and the development flexibility. The exercises are performed standing, but not in the pool or sitting on a bicycle, strengthen the bones of the legs.
School programs suggest that children and adolescents (5-16 years), two hours per week engaged in physical exercise or sports in school hours or after school. But the authoritative medical journal The Lancet claims that even one hour of physical activity per day is not enough. To guard against obesity and diseases of the cardiovascular system, daily physical activity should be worth less than one and a half hours.
Rx Michigan
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
How to take a child during the holidays
Remember your own childhood? Summer gets dark late and the day you can have time to run to the river, play hide and seek, go to the woods for mushrooms, and in the evening and still am interested in fireflies. Wonderful weather, the mass of free time and childlike curiosity has always helped to find interesting business. You could spend days playing with neighbor kids, resorting home only to eat.
But times have changed. Today, most parents try not to let the children far from home, for fear of all - from strangers to crime. But then another problem arises: how to make the child spent the summer watching television or a computer?
How cool on the street
Over the summer entertainment does not necessarily go away: they can be found right in your own yard or in a park near the house. Stay outdoors, especially if not too hot around the greens and the air is not too dirty, very helpful for the child.
• Children can learn more about nature and their surroundings.
• Outdoors, they become physically active, especially in age from 3 to 12 years.
• Physical stress reduces children's risk of developing diabetes and high blood pressure, help to lose weight.
• After the physical activity outdoors is easier for children to concentrate in school, they are better at remembering stuff.
Just make sure that being on the street, children use sunscreen, drink enough fluids, and most of the time in the shade. If the temperature is too high and the air is polluted, healthier to stay indoors, especially if the child suffers from asthma or allergies.
Summer fun
If you're not working or simply want to spend time with children, the mass of options.
• Go to the pool. No nearby? Buy a children's inflatable pool, arrange a shower from a hose or just let the children play with water in the basin.
• Go to the beach. Let the children run barefoot, build a castle with sand, swim.
• Arrange a master class: Teach your child to play tennis, swim or ride a bicycle.
• Go to the zoo.
• Visit the water park or amusement park.
• Take a fishing trip.
• play mini-golf.
• Arrange for a picnic.
• Play with children in the garden or plant new plants.
• Go to the "hike with an overnight stay" on their own plots. Put a tent in the evening sit by the fire, bake potatoes and spend the night in sleeping bags.
• Teach your child to run a kite.
• Go to the park or playground for children.
• Join a sports match or competition.
If the street goes rain or, conversely, too hot:
• nice to spend time in a museum, aquarium or movies.
• Encourage children to board games, coloring books and colored pencils.
• Girls Take some needlework.
• Visit the rink for roller skating.
• Look in the library. If your child will read in the summer, it will expand your vocabulary and improve reading skills.
If during the day you are at work, children need to invent a safe and useful lessons.
• Day Camp. In the town the camp the child will be able to play football or basketball, take part in a theatrical setting, draw, etc.
• Join with neighbors or friends. Send the children on a day to friends, whose parents do not work as well as the reciprocal courtesy, take them to him for the weekend.
• Sports section. Softball, baseball for children or other team games will occupy your child.
Think again especially in summer Days from our own childhood. A little imagination and organizational skills will help to and from your children have the same wonderful memories.
Rx Minnesota
But times have changed. Today, most parents try not to let the children far from home, for fear of all - from strangers to crime. But then another problem arises: how to make the child spent the summer watching television or a computer?
How cool on the street
Over the summer entertainment does not necessarily go away: they can be found right in your own yard or in a park near the house. Stay outdoors, especially if not too hot around the greens and the air is not too dirty, very helpful for the child.
• Children can learn more about nature and their surroundings.
• Outdoors, they become physically active, especially in age from 3 to 12 years.
• Physical stress reduces children's risk of developing diabetes and high blood pressure, help to lose weight.
• After the physical activity outdoors is easier for children to concentrate in school, they are better at remembering stuff.
Just make sure that being on the street, children use sunscreen, drink enough fluids, and most of the time in the shade. If the temperature is too high and the air is polluted, healthier to stay indoors, especially if the child suffers from asthma or allergies.
Summer fun
If you're not working or simply want to spend time with children, the mass of options.
• Go to the pool. No nearby? Buy a children's inflatable pool, arrange a shower from a hose or just let the children play with water in the basin.
• Go to the beach. Let the children run barefoot, build a castle with sand, swim.
• Arrange a master class: Teach your child to play tennis, swim or ride a bicycle.
• Go to the zoo.
• Visit the water park or amusement park.
• Take a fishing trip.
• play mini-golf.
• Arrange for a picnic.
• Play with children in the garden or plant new plants.
• Go to the "hike with an overnight stay" on their own plots. Put a tent in the evening sit by the fire, bake potatoes and spend the night in sleeping bags.
• Teach your child to run a kite.
• Go to the park or playground for children.
• Join a sports match or competition.
If the street goes rain or, conversely, too hot:
• nice to spend time in a museum, aquarium or movies.
• Encourage children to board games, coloring books and colored pencils.
• Girls Take some needlework.
• Visit the rink for roller skating.
• Look in the library. If your child will read in the summer, it will expand your vocabulary and improve reading skills.
If during the day you are at work, children need to invent a safe and useful lessons.
• Day Camp. In the town the camp the child will be able to play football or basketball, take part in a theatrical setting, draw, etc.
• Join with neighbors or friends. Send the children on a day to friends, whose parents do not work as well as the reciprocal courtesy, take them to him for the weekend.
• Sports section. Softball, baseball for children or other team games will occupy your child.
Think again especially in summer Days from our own childhood. A little imagination and organizational skills will help to and from your children have the same wonderful memories.
Rx Minnesota
Rhesus-conflict: when the Rh factors of mother and child do not match
Health of the unborn child may be in grave danger if his blood does not match the blood group mother. How to identify rhesus conflict and prevent the associated incompatibility?
You can have a happy family. Your husband well together, you have common interests, although he, for example, hates math, if what you are - a professional accountant.
But there are other qualities that may occur only during your pregnancy. This is not the differences in views on the upbringing of children, and differences in the Rhesus factor. If you have Rh factor is negative, and my husband - yes, a child may be Rh-conflict.
What is Rh factor?
Rhesus factor - a protein that is located on the surface of red blood cells. Those people who have it are called Rh-positive. Those who have this protein is absent (they are about 15%) are called Rh-negative.
If Rh-negative woman is pregnant from Rh-positive man, Rhesus factor, the child may be positive. A threat of Rhesus-conflict and serious complications for the health of the fetus or newborn.
Fortunately, during the prenatal survey of pregnant women must do a blood test for Rh factor. It helps to anticipate Rhesus-conflict and early treatment.
How dangerous Rh-conflict?
Rhesus-conflict occurs when Rh-positive fetal red blood cells are found with Rh-negative red blood cells mother.
The reaction of the mother recalls, in this case an allergic reaction. Such a reaction is not harmful to her health, but for the fetus, it is a serious danger. Antibodies, which begins to produce immune system, destroy fetal red blood cells. As a result, the child develops hemolytic anemia. This condition can cause other serious diseases, lesions of the brain and fetal death.
When maternal blood in contact with the blood of the fetus?
A state in which maternal blood appear rhesus antibodies, called sensitization. Sensitization can occur as a result:
* Miscarriage
* Abortion
* Ectopic pregnancy (when the fertilized egg attaches outside the uterus or fallopian tube)
* Amniocentesis (analysis, which takes a small amount of amniotic fluid for the diagnosis of certain diseases of the fruit)
* Testing chorionic villi (analysis, which is done in early pregnancy for the diagnosis of certain diseases of the fruit)
* Transfusion of Rh-positive blood
* Bleeding during pregnancy
If there was not one of the above predisposing circumstances, the most in the first pregnancy, Rh-conflict does not arise. Small contact fetal blood and the mother may occur during childbirth, but usually the first child is born healthy.
However, once sensitization occurs, the situation becomes irreversible. If the mother was sensitized during the first pregnancy and is the second child, to prevent rhesus-conflict and preserve the health of your baby requires special treatment.
Treatment of rhesus-conflict
Today, thanks to medical advances, Rh-negative mother can make and give birth to a healthy Rh-positive baby.
In pregnancy during the first survey done a blood test to determine the Rh factor in maternal blood. If you are Rh negative, the doctor will closely monitor the condition of the child throughout the pregnancy. You may need a blood test the child's father. The doctor will also determine whether there is in your blood is Rh-antibodies.
If rhesus antibodies is, then you are sensitized. In this case, the doctor will regularly check the status of the fetus to detect early signs of Rhesus-conflict. If they appear, the child may need blood transfusions to compensate for the lack of red blood cells, damaged maternal antibodies. Typically, a blood transfusion do after giving birth. Sometimes, in order to pour the blood in time, require early delivery. There are recent methods of blood transfusion on how to make his child in the womb.
If Rh-antibodies you have not found, it means you are not sensitized. In this case the doctor would prescribe a course of immunoglobulin to prevent sensitization. Immunoglobulin prevent the mother to identify fetal red blood cells as alien, and Rh-antibodies will not be worked out.
Rhesus immunoglobulin appointed in the following cases:
* At the 28th week of pregnancy, if sensitization has not occurred.
* After the birth of a child born of Rh-positive. This will prevent sensitization as a result of childbirth.
* After any of the above events, that they did not lead to sensitization of the female organism.
Validity of Rh immune globulin is approximately 12 weeks. Therefore, in the case of a new pregnancy, Rh-negative women have to enter it again.
Rx New Hampshire
You can have a happy family. Your husband well together, you have common interests, although he, for example, hates math, if what you are - a professional accountant.
But there are other qualities that may occur only during your pregnancy. This is not the differences in views on the upbringing of children, and differences in the Rhesus factor. If you have Rh factor is negative, and my husband - yes, a child may be Rh-conflict.
What is Rh factor?
Rhesus factor - a protein that is located on the surface of red blood cells. Those people who have it are called Rh-positive. Those who have this protein is absent (they are about 15%) are called Rh-negative.
If Rh-negative woman is pregnant from Rh-positive man, Rhesus factor, the child may be positive. A threat of Rhesus-conflict and serious complications for the health of the fetus or newborn.
Fortunately, during the prenatal survey of pregnant women must do a blood test for Rh factor. It helps to anticipate Rhesus-conflict and early treatment.
How dangerous Rh-conflict?
Rhesus-conflict occurs when Rh-positive fetal red blood cells are found with Rh-negative red blood cells mother.
The reaction of the mother recalls, in this case an allergic reaction. Such a reaction is not harmful to her health, but for the fetus, it is a serious danger. Antibodies, which begins to produce immune system, destroy fetal red blood cells. As a result, the child develops hemolytic anemia. This condition can cause other serious diseases, lesions of the brain and fetal death.
When maternal blood in contact with the blood of the fetus?
A state in which maternal blood appear rhesus antibodies, called sensitization. Sensitization can occur as a result:
* Miscarriage
* Abortion
* Ectopic pregnancy (when the fertilized egg attaches outside the uterus or fallopian tube)
* Amniocentesis (analysis, which takes a small amount of amniotic fluid for the diagnosis of certain diseases of the fruit)
* Testing chorionic villi (analysis, which is done in early pregnancy for the diagnosis of certain diseases of the fruit)
* Transfusion of Rh-positive blood
* Bleeding during pregnancy
If there was not one of the above predisposing circumstances, the most in the first pregnancy, Rh-conflict does not arise. Small contact fetal blood and the mother may occur during childbirth, but usually the first child is born healthy.
However, once sensitization occurs, the situation becomes irreversible. If the mother was sensitized during the first pregnancy and is the second child, to prevent rhesus-conflict and preserve the health of your baby requires special treatment.
Treatment of rhesus-conflict
Today, thanks to medical advances, Rh-negative mother can make and give birth to a healthy Rh-positive baby.
In pregnancy during the first survey done a blood test to determine the Rh factor in maternal blood. If you are Rh negative, the doctor will closely monitor the condition of the child throughout the pregnancy. You may need a blood test the child's father. The doctor will also determine whether there is in your blood is Rh-antibodies.
If rhesus antibodies is, then you are sensitized. In this case, the doctor will regularly check the status of the fetus to detect early signs of Rhesus-conflict. If they appear, the child may need blood transfusions to compensate for the lack of red blood cells, damaged maternal antibodies. Typically, a blood transfusion do after giving birth. Sometimes, in order to pour the blood in time, require early delivery. There are recent methods of blood transfusion on how to make his child in the womb.
If Rh-antibodies you have not found, it means you are not sensitized. In this case the doctor would prescribe a course of immunoglobulin to prevent sensitization. Immunoglobulin prevent the mother to identify fetal red blood cells as alien, and Rh-antibodies will not be worked out.
Rhesus immunoglobulin appointed in the following cases:
* At the 28th week of pregnancy, if sensitization has not occurred.
* After the birth of a child born of Rh-positive. This will prevent sensitization as a result of childbirth.
* After any of the above events, that they did not lead to sensitization of the female organism.
Validity of Rh immune globulin is approximately 12 weeks. Therefore, in the case of a new pregnancy, Rh-negative women have to enter it again.
Rx New Hampshire
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